Dental and medical asistors are our new product, which we hope you will find useful. Thanks to its structure provide an excellent demand for dental, medical and health care units.
Robust design allows the user to a certain operation, good quality materials used in production provide a nice appearance and easy cleaning.
Body asystorów we produce are made of laminated board, fronts with acrylic sheet. Asistors have drawers that open with the auto breaking system, drawer handles not protruding beyond the outline of the cabinet. Glass top limiters prevent slipping items. Assistant three and four-drawer equipped with a chrome plated column of gas on the basis of the system chassis for easy movement. Assistance company pięcioszufladowy fitted with wheels for easy movement.
Zgodnie z obowiązującymi przepisami prawa, ta strona i prezentowane na niej treści są przeznaczone wyłącznie dla osób wykonujących zawód medyczny lub prowadzących obrót wyrobami medycznymi.
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