Godziny Otwarcia Firmy
Mon.-Fri.: 8.00 - 16.00
Language: PL EN

Products offer

Products offer

Multifunctional treatment armchairs

Multifunctional treatment armchairs U.B.M. Medical Furniture is a company with an established position on the medical equipment market. We are proud of our unique product offering, which includes, m.in for example, multifunctional treatment… Details

Treatment armchairs

Treatment armchairs Treatment armchairs designed as: armchairs for blood donation and blood therapy stations, armchairs for dialysis, armchairs for chemotherapy, treatment armchairs on one day, treatment armchairs to carry out patient examinations,… Details

Dialysis and chemotherapy chairs

Dialysis and chemotherapy chairs Dialysis and chemotherapy chairs from U.B.M. Medical Furniture We are a manufacturer of two models of modern chairs for dialysis and chemotherapy: FoZa Multi and FoZa Dona. They are characterized… Details

Blood donor chairs

Blood donor chairs Comfortable version of the chair for blood collection, perfectly fulfilling the function of the Laryngological Chair. It is used as necessary equipment for a doctor's office, hospital, laboratory and private… Details

Treatment tables

Treatment tables Treatment tables are one of the basic pieces of equipment in every medical facility. They have a versatile application. They are used primarily for: medical procedures, medical examinations, massages rehabilitation… Details

Examination tables

Examination tables Metal couches and couches for a doctor's office produced by our company are the perfect equipment for treatment rooms in hospitals, clinics, health centers, massage rooms, sanatoriums and other health… Details

Infants examination tables

Infants examination tables Tables used for testing infants. Designed for equipping pediatric and medical surgeries for children. Useful for dressing and baby care procedures. Details

Medical tables

Medical tables Producer U.B.M. KOTASIŃSKA offers the highest quality, functional medical furniture. Durable and reliable surgical tool tables are intended for specialized medical facilities. Modern products will prove themselves especially in treatment… Details

Medical trolleys

Medical trolleys The tables produced by our company are excellent equipment for the treatment room in the hospital, clinic, health center and other health care facilities. Details

Dental asistants

Dental asistants Dental and medical asistors are our new product, which we hope you will find useful. Thanks to its structure provide an excellent demand for dental, medical and health care units. Details

Privacy medical screens

Privacy medical screens Medical screens are intended for use in health care units, hospitals, sanatoriums, doctor's offices and in the school nurse's offices. We manufacture functional and fully safe medical screens with a… Details

Drip hangers

Drip hangers Hangers from the line SK U.B.M. KOTASIŃSKA is used for the administration of infusion fluids, and the ease of cleaning and the materials used fully meet the expectations of the… Details

Doctor's chairs

Doctor's chairs Medical furniture is an important element of office equipment and health care rooms. All medical chairs and armchairs are equipped with upholstered seats and backs covered with easily washable fabric.… Details

Medical stools

Medical stools We offer medical stools for medical offices, outpatient clinics, dental offices and hospital treatment rooms. Our medical furniture is made of materials that allow easy cleaning, the seats are covered… Details

We present you the catalog of our products with the conviction that the products presented in it will arouse your interest.

The producer of medical equipment, the company U.B.M-KOTASIŃSKA, recommends permanent medical furniture, rehabilitation made of the highest quality materials. The application of medical furniture manufactured by us is first of all the equipment of health centers, hospitals, rehabilitation centers, medical clinics, hospital rooms, doctors' surgeries, laboratory rooms, pharmacies, hospices, sanatoriums, rehabilitation rooms, and restoration offices.
Almost every piece of furniture we manufacture can be made in several colors and types of upholstery.

Strona przeznaczona wyłącznie dla profesjonalistów

Zgodnie z obowiązującymi przepisami prawa, ta strona i prezentowane na niej treści są przeznaczone wyłącznie dla osób wykonujących zawód medyczny lub prowadzących obrót wyrobami medycznymi.

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