Godziny Otwarcia Firmy
Mon.-Fri.: 8.00 - 16.00
Language: PL EN

Treatment chair FoZa Basic Mobil

Product features:

The multifunctional treatment chair is designed to transport and examine patients, perform activities and procedures, including blood collection.

The Foza Basic Mobil can be used as equipment in nursing homes, hospitals, care and treatment facilities and help in care in private homes.

It can be used to :

  • any medical examinations and basic medical treatments,
  • blood draws,
  • laryngological treatments,
  • ophthalmic procedures.

The armchair is made of steel profiles and pipes, covered with powder varnish, resistant to UV radiation, mechanical damage and disinfectants and cleaning agents.

The chair is equipped with chassis with individual lock the back wheels.

The segments of the seat, backrest and lower legs are upholstered.

The backrest segment has a cover made of ABS plastic.

The angle of the backrest and lower leg segments is adjusted by means of gas springs by releasing the appropriate lever.

The medical chair has a holder for paper or disposable sheets and additional equipment in the form of a small table/tabletop.

The chair is dedicated to palliative care.

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This product is CE marked.

Trademarks and registered designs, a Community design RCD.

Model FoZa Basic Mobil
Total length, mm 1870 ± 20 mm
Total width, mm 880 mm ± 20 mm
Seat width, mm 550 mm ± 20 mm
Seat height, mm 500 mm ± 20 mm
Adjustment of backrest segment, ° 75° ± 2°
Trendelenburg position, ° – 7° ± 2°
Adjustment of the shank segment, ° 7° do – 70° (± 2°)
Adjustment of the armrests, ° – 20° do 60° (± 2°)
Height adjustment of the armrests, mm 150 to 250 (± 2)
Dimensions of the top side, mm 248 x 348 (± 10 mm)
The maximum permissible load, kg 150
Front wheels diameter, mm Ø150
Back wheels diameter, mm Ø100
The maximum load of the table top, kg 10
Period of use 10 years

The product and all its versions (if it has one) can be made in one of 20 colors available.

The colors shown here may differ from the actual ones.

This product is CE marked.

Trademarks and registered designs, a Community design RCD.

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