Godziny Otwarcia Firmy
Mon.-Fri.: 8.00 - 16.00
Language: PL EN

Medical screen PM-1

Product features:

Our privacy medical screens to perform surgeries with a very light metal structure covered with powder paint. The use of the base with casters made the movement of a screen, if necessary, quickly and quietly placed in the desired location.

The screen is beautifully made and has rollers for easy, fast and quiet movement of a screen in the desired location, if necessary.

Medical Screens are designed for use in health care units, hospitals (hospital screens), nursing homes, private clinics and schools.

This is a product that we would like to recommend some due to the design, facilitating transport, since it can be completely removed as in the case of transport is very important.

If you do not have too much space, and you are interested in a metal screen, then you should be interested in what this model.

Screens are fixed equipment in outpatient surgeries.

Ask for an offer

This product is CE marked.


Height: 1700 mm

Width: 1000 mm

Weight: 3,8 kg


  • Light frame and wheels for easy displacement
  • Easy to assemble and transport
  • Powder coated
  • Removable blue or white curtains
  • Optionally – overprint of your choice (on the curtain)
This product is CE marked.
See also:
Strona przeznaczona wyłącznie dla profesjonalistów

Zgodnie z obowiązującymi przepisami prawa, ta strona i prezentowane na niej treści są przeznaczone wyłącznie dla osób wykonujących zawód medyczny lub prowadzących obrót wyrobami medycznymi.

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