Height: min. 1100 – max. 2000 mm
Base diameter: 680 mm
- hanger
- knob/clamp
- tripod
- five-legged with wheels
- fastening screw
Product features:
The SK-4 CHROM hanger is used to administer infusion fluids. The ease of cleaning and the materials used fully meet the expectations of the staff.
The stable structure and the base equipped with wheels allow the patient to move safely and comfortably.
The height is adjusted by means of a practical clamping system.
The tripod is entirely covered with a layer of chrome, which gives an aesthetic look.
SK-4 CHROM can optionally be equipped with wheels with a lock.
The presented model has four holders for a container with liquid.
Ask for an offer
Height: min. 1100 – max. 2000 mm
Base diameter: 680 mm
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