Godziny Otwarcia Firmy
Mon.-Fri.: 8.00 - 16.00
Language: PL EN

Medical table SOLO

Product features:

The SOLO medical table can be used to feed the patient in the hospital medical bed. The design of the base frame allows the table to be moved close to the bed, armchair and chair. The ability to change the height of the table top and its angle allows you to adjust its position for the comfort of the patient.

The product is equipped with an adjustable top and a fixed top. Both tops are made of HPL board. They are encapsulated in ABS with a 15 mm high rim around the circumference. The fixed top also has a recess for a cup with a diameter of 80 mm. The bedside table contains double wheels Ø 50 mm, 2 wheels with brake.

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This product is CE marked.

Technical specifications

Model SOLO
Height, mm 763
Width, mm 815
Depth, mm 460
Table top dimendions, mm 205 x 460
Fixed table top dimensions, mm 605 x 460
The table top of the bedside table is tilted (in axis) ° 30° – 60°
Maximum allowable load on the bedside table (center) 15
Weight, kg 15,5
This product is CE marked.
See also:
Strona przeznaczona wyłącznie dla profesjonalistów

Zgodnie z obowiązującymi przepisami prawa, ta strona i prezentowane na niej treści są przeznaczone wyłącznie dla osób wykonujących zawód medyczny lub prowadzących obrót wyrobami medycznymi.

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